DJ Ricky Rick – Miami Midday Mix

DJ Ricky Rick
DJ Ricky Rick - Miami Midday Mix - Tuesday
DJ Ricky Rick
DJ Ricky Rick – Miami Midday Mix – Tuesday

DJ Ricky Rick – Miami Midday Mix – Tuesday 12pm – 1pm

DJ Ricky Rick has been spinning records for over 20 years, and has established himself as being one of the most recognized DJ’s in the Tri-State area. He has spun in numerous nightclubs throughout the world including Puerto Rico, Canada, Dominican Republic & Jamaica just to name a few. Born and raised in Newark NJ, DJ Ricky Rick brings you a DJ style that is high energy and is sure to electrify any dance floor.

He is also very funny and charismatic on the microphone, while broadcasting on air or MCing a party. Catch DJ Ricky Rick Live on every tuesday @ 12 noon for the Midday Show with “EL Chi Chi” Carlos Jose.

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